Sunday, August 05, 2007


Although it's been awhile and life is certainly full of twists and turns and general busyness, I have not forgotten or abandoned this place.

A few weeks ago we lost Snippy. A heartbreak, to be sure. She was the sweetest, gentlest cat I've ever known. We knew her time with us would be short. A few months ago she was diagnosed with renal failure and we tried to give her the best quality of life that we could. Kelly ( mostly ) learned to administer fluids through an IV to keep her hydrated at home. I'm happy to think we might have given her several extra weeks she might not have otherwise had.

It's still sad. It's still a heartbreak to have lost her.

She was a good friend, so I've been very protective of my feelings and memories. When Kelly came home a week ago Saturday with a stray, I think I felt determined not to bond with him. ( She found a beautiful, declawed white cat in a busy parking lot by the local auto parts store. No collar, and a bit skinny )

I am not ready ( I told myself ) to have another cat so soon. He is young, athletic and energetic. He jumps on counters, ledges, window sills ... anywhere he can. He's also very playful. I was sick this past week, so I took an extra day off to try to recover. I planned to place an ad on craigslist to offer to adopt him out if we could not locate the family.

We had taken him to our vet micro=chip. We posted an ad on craigslist about having FOUND a white kitty. We've posted signs all over the area ... nothing. No calls. No emails. No word.

That day I stayed home, he spent the entire day endearing himself to me. I think he was trying to change my mind about another family taking him.

And it worked.

I can live with a few bad habits. Hell, even I have bad habits ! Why shouldn't he be allowed a few ? He has been cute as a bug and very much my shadow. He keeps watch while I'm getting ready in the morning. He hangs with me in my studio when I'm in here or my lap if I'm on the couch. He's lovable, sweet and fun.

We've been calling him Gus, but he doesn't seem to respond much to that name. Now I'm calling him KittyBoy, with moderately better results. It looks like he may be sticking around after all ...

Enjoy the pics ... of him AND my precious Snippy*