Monday, November 12, 2007


I'm in love. Not just a little.
It's not a passing fancy.
I'm in love for good.

Kelly, of course ....
But my NEW LOVE ?


This is the sleekest, coolest piece of equipment I've EVER held in my hand. All my contacts are in there. So far I've uploaded over 1200 pictures. It synced my music, loaded an episode of Law & Order, and there are plenty of things I haven't even discovered yet. I can surf the web, watch YouTube ... oh, the list goes on and on.

The best part BY FAR is the quality of the photos.
Unfreakin'believable ~

Ahhhh, such bliss *

Friday, November 09, 2007


Into The Wild

You've GOT to see this movie.


Sometimes art can heal.
Sometimes art can broaden our experience.
Change our perspective.
Sometimes it begs a comment ...