Sunday, August 07, 2005


( Thanks, Goofymabel * )

Sometimes I am taken a bit by surprise when I check the casualty count before logging in to this blog. The numbers are simply astonishing. I wonder where the absolute outrage is ? 1833 young men and women DEAD while the news reports of GW taking a five week vacation. Gas prices so high that I have to work most of the first day of my week just to pay for the gas to get me TO work. A "flat" economy, drilling in the Alaska wilderness, more corruption and secrecy than EVER before in our history. Where is the absolute outrage ? Many who call themselves good Christian people profess love and support for this president. C'mon ... would Jesus REALLY be a Republican ?

On a different note, life is again settling down to the dull hum of normalcy. And trust me when I say I am not complaining as I write that. A whirlwind of a trip to the Midwest, a " scare " with my Mom on my return, and a week back at work that has reminded me all of what I love and hate about the place... Normal is welcome.

My Mom went into the hospital a week ago today. Pain, nausea, sweating took three days to rule out a heart issue and let her return home. I'm grateful they took their time. I'm grateful for the great care. I know that today she is feeling happy to be back to " normal " too ...

Life really IS short. It's so hard to know what should perpetually be at the TOP of our list. Should it be Loyalty ? Love ? Family ? Friendship ? Adventure ? Risk is what gets the blood pumping. Adventure is what keeps it banging out hard against the cavity. FEAR is what usually wins out. Why is that ? Why is FEAR so damn powerful ? Right-brain, left-brain ... logic, curiousity ... I don't understand the battle. I can see it plain as day. I could debate it, for the sake of a good conversation, but I DO NOT understand it. It's like a computer you spend hours programming, and with the flip of a switch it reverts back to the default settings. And CAUTION and FEAR are default settings. And sometimes I swear I wish I could wipe the hard drive completely clean ...

And start over.

I'd program just the right combination of risk and adventure; security and rational thought. Take the LESSONS I learned from those no longer in my world, and the comfort and satisfaction I get from those very much in my world ; Take what I know NOW and mix it with what I learned THEN, and maybe begin from there. A new beginning ...

A peaceful, respectful, lovely new beginning ...

1 comment:

Mary Noreen Bucklew said...

~ HEART-stopping!