Saturday, October 22, 2005


I'm guessing that by the first of the week we will see the 2000 mark reached in IRAQ. Two THOUSAND young men and women, giving their lives and bright futures for a miserable excuse for liberation in a country that neither wants us there or asked us to come. Two THOUSAND. GW won't say it aloud, but he considers this " acceptable loss " on some level. I still don't know if anyone can REALLY articulate just WHY we are still there. Lord knows, it's still not clear WHY we went in the first place. I tend to think it is because a FEW chosen groups prosper during war. It's not you and I. It's not our parents or our grandparents or our siblings or our children. It's not OUR families that prosper.

So unbearably sad, all of it.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

*bows* Well said.