Monday, November 14, 2005


Tonight as I was driving home I was mesmorized by the moon. And not just the brightness or the size ... but the little star that seemed to hang just below. I tried to photograph it, but even that borrowed moment was not to be had. It is really remarkable. It's been a very reflective week. I'm not sure what caused them to come about, all these restless thoughts of days past, but I am actually welcoming them to me. Taking pleasure in reliving time that has passed. It could just be the full moon could be something more.

It doesn't really matter, the why. All that I need to know is that I feel a little different tonight. Sharper, more like the Bonnie Rae I remember. Maybe even a bit more spiritual, though I couldn't pick a thing ; point at it ; and say " that's it " . Nothing is ever that clear

Or that simple.

Wish I could have captured that moon ...

Friday, November 11, 2005


In war, there are no unwounded soldiers. ~José Narosky

Tuesday, November 08, 2005



Sunday, November 06, 2005


Over the river and through the woods, to GrandDad's house we go ... I realize she doesn't look THRILLED to be in the car, but there is a definite contentment that is unmistakable .


Ahhhh ... Sunday morning. Nothing quite like a few hours relaxing and mindlessly searching the internet for whatever comes into my mind. I've become spoiled on GOOGLE search. It seems to somehow understand how I think, and allows me to type in just about anything and get responses back. As an example, type in the word " failure " . See what comes up. No real surprise.

Kelly seems to think I'm not very effective at getting my point across with regard to my political opinions. She says I leave the debate open, that I don't have a point or closure. I say I do. Mostly, it is about broadening your vision of the world. If we lived in the soundbite world of network TV we'd be doomed. We need to challenge our best selves to search for MORE information. Watch several different shows on the current news. Listen to more than just ONE radio program, and be mindful that if it is " Talk Radio " it is NOT news. Read more than just the local paper. Explore blogs. Read news online. It was amazing to me to read the New Orleans newspapers after Katrina. There was NOT a lot of sugar-coating. There were pictures of a very harsh reality. If I were to only have read my local paper, I would have an incomplete picture. I also sought out photo journalists. It helped me understand the real nature of the situation. I'm just saying we need to WAKE UP.

I meet hundreds of people a week and have lots of opportunity for chit-chat. It surprises me how many people don't " follow " politics . It's really like saying " I don't care if other people decide what is best for me " . I think it is irresponsible to "NOT follow " a process that determines so much of how we live our lives.

I know there are people who think I'm a bit radical. That's fair. I am the opposite of FOX News. The opposite of " soundbite " network reporting. I seek out information, do my homework, and decide in my own mind that the thing I should fear is not terrorism or bird flu, but an establishment that is slowly taking away my rights. And it's not just about my rights. It is about privelege and wealth and world power ... and if you don't believe it could happen here, think again. My prediction of a police state and a cancelled 2008 election are among my least popular theories, but among my worst fears.

And finally, Kelly and I are still at odds about God. She turns to God for comfort, and I am still searching ...

( FYI : Otter is doing wonderfully in her new home. She has adjusted to her surroundings and is establishing herself in the family. It's good to have such a sweet diversion most days ... )

Wednesday, November 02, 2005


Yes, that's what it says ... TWENTY THIRTY FIVE. TWO THOUSAND THIRTY FIVE. It's been just over a week since we hit 2000. I don't even know what to say about that ...