Tuesday, October 25, 2005


No further comment needed today on that number. Sad, just so very sad ...

On a lighter note, we may have gotten ourselves a new addition here ! We signed up with Seattle Purebread Dog Rescue and " Otter " came to us last night. Well, actually WE came to " Otter " . We had signed up in hopes of " rescuing " a needy pet. ( We lost Bosco in March. She was 15 and a half. ) Otter had lived her whole life with one woman before a stroke made her unable to care for her. Otter's 12 and in darn good health for her age. She is also a sweet, sweet spirit. Even Snippy ( our cat ) has taken to her. After a night apart, they woke up today and quickly became fast friends. It's nice having a dog underfoot again . I love the little tapping sounds her toes make in the kitchen, and the little snoring sounds she makes when she sleeps. And mostly it just adds a delightful energy to our home.

Thanks SPDR ! We think she's going to love being part of our family *
Hope she doesn't mind if we call her OtterGustazzi !

Saturday, October 22, 2005


I'm guessing that by the first of the week we will see the 2000 mark reached in IRAQ. Two THOUSAND young men and women, giving their lives and bright futures for a miserable excuse for liberation in a country that neither wants us there or asked us to come. Two THOUSAND. GW won't say it aloud, but he considers this " acceptable loss " on some level. I still don't know if anyone can REALLY articulate just WHY we are still there. Lord knows, it's still not clear WHY we went in the first place. I tend to think it is because a FEW chosen groups prosper during war. It's not you and I. It's not our parents or our grandparents or our siblings or our children. It's not OUR families that prosper.

So unbearably sad, all of it.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005


Ahhhh ... the coast ! I'll write this weekend about life and leisure and politics ... for now, just enjoy the view *

Thursday, October 06, 2005

George Speaks

"We're facing a radical ideology with an unalterable objective, to enslave whole nations and intimidate the whole world," he said.

Is he speaking of THEM or US ????


As George Bush moves his lips again about the war in IRAQ, I watch the numbers of the dead still climbing. How stupid are we supposed to be ? How long is " until IRAQ can defend itself " really translate to in REAL NUMBERS ? What should we use as a measure when they insist we must have patience ? Days, months, years, decades, generations ? Are we really prepared to trust this man with the lives of our sons and daughters, nieces and nephews, grandkids and neighbors ? Has he EARNED that trust ? I think he's exploited it, and I am wary now of any time he says " trust me " .

I don't. I can't. I won't.

The new nominee for the Supreme Court is another example of " trust me " ... and ultimately, why we should NOT. What we DO know about Miers, is that she belongs to an extremely conservative, evangelical church. What do you THINK that means for gay rights and abortion rights ? What do you THINK that means for the growing interest this administration has in executive power and privilege ? I do not believe we will have an election in 2008. I've said it before, and I'll keep saying it until it is 2009 and I have been proven wrong. I don't think the issue for this administration is really abortion. I think the issue is about power and privilege that includes the right to cancel an election if there is a terror " threat " or event. People say " that could never happen here " ... Why do you think Bush is trying so hard to change the role of the military in domestic situations ? Do you really think they are considering the outbreak of avian flu ? I think they are considering only the possibility of an uprising, when the election is cancelled. We already have the Patriot Act, which gives them the right to declare an individual an " enemy combatant " . The make-up of this Supreme Court is more important than ever when it comes to the questions of executive power and privilege. If they can focus the debate on social issues, it is unlikely people will see the REAL goal of this administration in shaping this country for decades to come.

The Patriot Act, control of the media, control of Congress and control of the court. Doesn't that shake people up a bit ? Do you really think this administration is focusing on " hot-button social issues " ? This administration is exploiting good Christian people and taking advantage of their support based on issues that matter to them. But when it comes right down to it, they will throw us all under the bus when the time comes.

On a lighter note, fall is everywhere now. From the cool mornings, to the glistening drizzle on the trees, to the leaves that are changing color and then falling to the ground. If it weren't so beautiful I'd think it was nothing but work. Our birch tree is a prolific shedder of leaves. They cover the lawn and taunt me on days I prefer to stay inside. Today again, the beauty will win out over the duty ...

The kids are coming for the weekend beginning tonight. It should be a nice change here to have them with us. We are hoping to go to WolfHaven this Sunday to visit the wolf we " adopted " for Blake last Christmas. It is a sanctuary of sorts, and it sounds like an adventure for sure.

NEXT weekend, Kelly and I will celebrate our fifth anniversary down at the Oregon Coast. We haven't gotten away together for quite some time. I look forward to being away from the electronic world for a while. Cannon Beach is beckoning, as well ... strolling through an artsy town is always such a joy for me. We'll be staying at the beach, and I really look forward to the time alone. I can't say enough about the opportunity for a re-connection, of sorts. Ahhhhh ....

And soon enough, it will be Halloween and all that it means and implies ! The kids have their costumes and I think Kelly has something in mind too. Now I have to figure something out ... Hmmm ... Sounds like a good project for today ;)