Sunday, September 16, 2007

The Brave One

OK. There's no way I'm going to ruin this for anyone by talking too much about it. Let's just say I think it is brilliant. Let me also say that Jodie Foster is extraordinary and believable and hopefully an Oscar winner for her role. Frankly, I've had a huge crush on her forever ...but in spite of my obvious bias, SEE IT ! And then write me and tell me what you think. People will be talking about this for a LONG time ...

1 comment:

Mary Noreen Bucklew said...

I saw it about a month ago and was BLOWN AWAY! Not merely the stunning finale, but from the first shot... the voice... then the violence... and in a dizzying gut-wrenching way, the off kilter photography as she descends from her apt for the first time after her fiances' murder. I felt the same vertigo and it set the tone for me. She is a phenomenal woman and a superb actress.

I am also absolutely in love w/ Terrence Howard (ever since I saw CRASH), so the ending was sad and exhilarating at the same time.