Sunday, June 08, 2008

And again ...

Quick update :

At around 6PM we found ourselves heading down to the emergency vet in Auburn. It's been a difficult day. Let's just say the softener is working great and Otter still cannot stand on her own. If that were the only problem, we could manage but she started showing mostly blood in her catheter line. Not good.

As it turned out, the vet said it was probably the catheter rubbing on her bladder. He said it wasn't unusual. After taking her temp and checking her bladder he noticed she had a lot of feeling in her back side ... a very good sign. Said the meds seem to be working which was great. Kelly will call the vet tomorrow and see if she wants to put in a different catheter. Otherwise, it seems she is progressing as well as can be expected. Oy. It's gonna be a long week ...

As most of you know, Otter is mostly bonded with Kelly. She has taken to barking for her now. It's pretty funny. I wish I was more comfort to her. I try, I try ...

Anyway. Sorry for all the graphic updates today.

Since our crates and carriers are too small, Otter now resides mostly in a gigantic Rubbermaid container. Admittedly, it's a bit coffin-like, but it's the best we can do and the guy at the emergency vet said he thought it sounded perfect. And so it is ...

More later.

1 comment:

core said...

Sending warm healing vibes for little Otter! :)
core (aka blueness)