Saturday, September 03, 2005


Thinking tonight about the unimaginable events of the past week. It has eclipsed the horror in IRAQ with a new horror here. I frequent an internet forum that has members from all over the world. While they share our sadness, many also share our frustration and rage at the slow Federal response. I wrote earlier, somewhere else, that I wonder whether the fact that it was poor, black communities that were hit the hardest, had anything to do with the delays. It's terrible to think of it all that way, and yet I am disgusted by the " spin machine " hitting the airwaves trying to paint a pretty picture about an ugly, ugly tragedy. They have been doing it in IRAQ for months, but HERE it won't work. HERE, we can see the pictures. We can hear the stories first hand. These are our friends and families. You can't " spin " yourself out of this one, George.

I suppose the worst part for me is having the FEMA chief and " Homeland Security " chief talking about this catastrophe like no one could have predicted this storm, the flooding and despair. Not only COULD someone predict it, someone DID. The TIMES-Picayune predicted, with startling detail, the events that could happen in the event of a major hurricane and flood in New Orleans. And this wasn't days ago ... it was long enough ago to PLAN for the possibility. Really, you owe it to yourself to READ THIS series of articles from the TIMES-Picayune. It will infuriate you every time you hear one of the administration " talking heads " try to shift responsibility onto the victims of this horrible tragedy. This administration knew. They saw it coming. And they CUT funding. Shame on them.

I actually saw where the FEMA chief said the VICTIMS had to assume a good share of the responsibility. Shame on him. Those are not CNN/ cell phone communities that nearly perished in this tragedy. They may have never even gotten the word that this time it was for real ! So many false alarms before. I imagine they became immune to the reports of a big huuricane coming their way. Just another slow news day where the TV stations blow everything out of proportion in order to HAVE some news to report. Sad situation.

Thank God Americans haven't lost their faith. There are stories coming from Mississippi and Louisiana that are heartbreaking, and yet rich with the human spirit. Our people keep us strong. But our government has to go.

George Bush's response has been shameful.
And Dennis Hastert isn't far behind.
The people deserve better.

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