Wednesday, May 31, 2006



Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Memorial Day 2006

Monday, May 29, 2006

Memorial Day 2006

Sunday, May 28, 2006


WOW ! Great stuff ! Lucie Silvas

Sunday, May 21, 2006

The Da Vinci Code

Just saw the movie. Wow ! That's all I can muster at the moment. A lot to ponder and digest. Loved it ! I might have to read the book now for sure.

Saturday, May 20, 2006


On Monday I came home to a beautiful burst of color in my art room. Kelly had a vase of gorgeous tulips waiting for me when I ( finally ) arrived home from work. Monday I celebrated 16 years clean and sober. Yesterday, she got me these beautiful Miniature Gerber Daisies. I'm a lucky, lucky girl !

Anniversaries like that are a perfect time for reflection. I love that others ( Kim, my parents ...) acknowledge my " special day " but I am proud of myself, too. Sixteen years ago I switched tracks and got this train goin' a different direction. I have no regrets. It's almost hard to remember the nights I spent driving home so intoxicated I don't remember HOW I did it in the morning. It's hard to see MYSELF as the person who was so obnoxious and unkind to others when I engaged in a bit too much partying. I always thought drugs and alcohol made me more sociable ... more attractive, more creative, funnier ... I thought I was so entertaining and clever and " together " . But when life began to unravel, I had to see the starkness of what my world was REALLY like.

If I had made other choices sixteen years ago, my life might be hurtling down that same godless track toward self-destruction. Or maybe it would have crashed by now and I wouldn't have lived to see the things I know and love today ...

It ain't perfect, my life ... I still have unkind moments. I'm still a spoiled brat once in awhile, and I still raise my voice when a whisper will do. But I don't have the CRAZINESS that came from that near constant intoxication. I don't have the drama. I just have LIFE ON LIFE'S TERMS. And I can handle that. I've learned to trust my feelings. I've learned to trust and pay attention to my intuition. I get to make amends more quickly and absorb life a bit more slowly and on a deeper level. I have relationships with my family that I never dreamed of, and a relationship with Kelly that makes me SO grateful that I can be open and honest and generous and caring. Yes, I'm a lucky, lucky girl *

Life IS good ~

Friday, May 12, 2006


Conspiracy theory update.

So. Most of you who know me, know I hate this administration. Since last year I have been floating my own theory on what is building to a crescendo in national politics. I do NOT believe we will have a free and fair election for President in 2008. In fact, I don't believe we will have an election at all. With control of the media ( FOX NEWS will become our " state run " news channel ) , the courts ( up to, and including the Supreme Court ) and the reality that the Congress is becoming more and more irrelevant every day , makes it possible for this administration to simply cancel the next election. Some have said " that's impossible " ... but is it ?

They have been wiretapping US citizens for years. Now it comes out that they have been browsing phone records illegally, and it doesn't stop there. They know what books we read, what subjects we search for on the internet and what we spend our money on. And I'm talking about SPECIFICS, not generalities. We have had our privacy assaulted by these people and it's just the beginning.

They have manipulated the masses to the degree that they can effectively " change the subject " when the criticism gets too loud. They either manipulate the " terror alert level " or start harping on issues like gay marriage, abortion and bird flu to distract us. We saw the level of care and concern this administration has for us after Katrina. We saw the wretched state of federal response. We are now seeing thousands denied housing allowances, empty trailers that could be put to good use sitting in lots in unaffected states, and insurance companies refusing to pay on damage claims. It is despicable. It is embarrassing. It is our reality.

Tax cuts when the deficit is climbing ? A war in IRAQ when the economy is struggling to stabilize ? Tough talk about IRAN even with the FUBAR that is the " war on terror " still playing itself out. Who will fight ? Who will say YES to another bloodbath for young Americans ? No one will. The volunteer army is about to be swallowed up too. Don't kid yourselves. They've had a taste of the kind of power and control that destroys countries. To think they would chance losing their momentum by allowing a " vote of the people " is absurd. There is no way these tyrants are going to let go of power. There is certainly no way they intend to relinquish it by a vote of " the people " .

The truth is, on the whole the electorate is ignorant. People don't engage in true debate. People don't have vision. People think that showing up is all they have to do to fufill their obligation. WE NEED PEOPLE TO DO MORE. We need people to wake up and see what is right in front of them. We need people to be involved in their own lives. If I were a viable candidate running for office and I said these things, there would be people who voted for the " other guy " because they don't like hearing the truth about themselves. Karl Rove knows how ignorant the electorate is. He also knows how to manipulate it. This administration is evil. They don't give a damn about us. Not really. This is about world dominance, and if you believe it can't happen in the good ol' U S of A ... think again. Think about the changes in the last eight years.

For heaven's sake, think about what is happening RIGHT NOW. The President is considering using the National Guard to patrol the borders. That puts the military in physical control of half of the US borders. It brings the possibility of martial law into view for the first time ever. No wonder BUSH is courting the new leaders in Canada. He needs their help. We'd be exposed via Florida, but there's another BUSH in charge there. That could be the gateway for the REAL evil to come into this country ... ( I'll save THAT theory for a different day )

Still think it can't happen here ? Is it really about an immigration problem ? Or is it all about the morphing of our prized democracy into a police state.

The foundation is poured.
The walls are going up around us every day.
Open your eyes !

And don't just say NO ... say HELL NO !


I have been tagged by Nici for this particular meme; seems I have to answer these four questions and then tag some other poor unsuspecting bloggers.

Five items in my fridge:

1. Laura's beef ( the good kind, assuming there IS a good kind ... )
2. 4 lbs of strawberries
3. sweet mini peppers
4. a large container of great homemade pasta salad that Kelly made
5. vitamin water

Five items in my closet:

1. seven STACKS of t-shirts
2. 3 suitcases
3. 3 new pair of UGG's
4. 10 postal shirts
5. The New York Times from September 12th 2001

Five items in my purse:

1. my player card for soccer
2. a small plastic sleeve stuffed with stamps
3. a letter from Helen *
4. Burt's Bees lip stuff that goes on white ... I look like a clown for a good ten minutes
5. my fifteen year AA coin ... about to be traded up !

Five Items in my car:

1. red and black soccer ball
2. a " Little Bear " teddy bear that talks
3. a Thomas Guide ( that I never use )
4. a " panic button " that lets off a shrill noise when pushed
5. Gregory Page's newest CD

Five people I've tagged:
1. George
2. Mary
3. Spike
4. Genevieve
5. Blue

Wednesday, May 03, 2006


I'm sitting here tonight pondering my soccer career. I started on a team in March after years ( and years ) away from the game. Positions had changed and I would SWEAR the fields are larger and the games are longer ! That first night I met my team for the first time. I didn't know a soul. I'm not really like them. I'm not a " soccer Mom " or a devotee for years. I love the game and long for some worthwhile exercise. Actually, I guess that's why we're all there.

I lasted one and a half games before caving to my torn quad muscle. I would've thought it would be my knees that deceived me somehow, but I was wrong. A torn quad muscle will make you aware of it's distress on a regular basis. Every step, every acceleration of the gas pedal, every stair .

I missed the next four weeks.

Last week I started back up. Great field, fairly warm night, and I got a goal ! I woke up sore, but I had a fairly good week. Last night, another game. Big stadium, nice field ( although a pretty rough part of Seattle ) and a cool night. I blew several scoring opportunities, and may have injured my quad muscle all over again.

I suppose for some folks it would be a " no-brainer " to just quit while Im ahead and join the local Bocce Club instead. But I love it. I love the smell of the evening air. I love the running, the adrenalin, the being a part of a team . Frankly, I love the game. It just doesn't seem to be loving ME at the moment.