Sunday, July 02, 2006


Nothing quite like a day at the Market. We actually went down to catch a glimpse of Rosie . ( No, it's NOT stupid ! ) We saw the cruise ship ...Went down to the boarding area for a bit, but no Rosie. I'm on my way to Alaska with her in spirit *

I happen to think of Rosie as a kind of mentor, both for politics and her art. Truth is, her " voice " is what comes through loud and clear in both. I love a person who lives at the end of those nerves. Some people work too hard at becoming numb to things. It's less confronting. It requires little, if any, action ... and it dulls the very nerves that are the real center of who we are. Those who know me know that I live wide open. I don't temper my opinions or my passion for things. I've heard it said that if you're not living on the edge you're taking up too much space ... touchee'

Excuse me now while I drift a bit closer to that edge. The view is FAR better over there ...

1 comment:

Zhenia said...

I've always loved the fruit stand at Pike Place that didn't want you to touch the food on display.