Thursday, August 10, 2006

Just a " little lie " ....

So. A big surprise this morning. Nothing like waking up to " breaking news ". I believe these "foiled plots " are designed to keep us all in that very pliable state where we are most easily manipulated. By design, our feelings SHOULD ( if ROVE is still as brilliant as he believes he is ) alternate between outright fear and gratitude that Georgie is keeping us safe with news of his " foiled plot " . Of course, it wouldn't be complete without a mention of Al Queda. Yes, that IS the buzzword. That word that should strike fear in our hearts. ( the " little lie " I'm referencing )

The bad guys are still out there ... BE AFRAID ! Do not let your guard down !

Blah, blah, blah ...

For those who follow my complex conspiracy theory, this is just another piece of the puzzle. Ultimately, I believe we have seen our last free and fair election. I predicted last year that the "alert level " would once again be manipulated. Read my post from : June 11, 2005. Granted, it's a bit " out there " ... but the core of my argument has merit. Little things are happening. Most recently, this administration has proposed taking over control of the National Guard in a time of crisis. Now why in the world would THAT be a good idea ? Why hand over control from the Governors to the President ? Especially after the great federal failure that was their response to Katrina. Why in the world would anyone go for that ? Why in the world would anyone even suggest it ?

I believe it is all a part of the plan to implement martial law when the elections are cancelled. We already have domestic law enforcement in place on the Mexican border. Canada will surely be next, and the coasts are relatively easy to control by comparison. The only place we would be left exposed would be Florida. And that's where Jeb is. A chilling scenario, really.

OK. So more breaking news :

I have a big " sale " to prepare for with the kids. It should be an interesting experience for all of us ... wish us luck !

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