Saturday, December 30, 2006


Ordinarily, I wouldn't be writing about President Gerald Ford. Even on the occasion of his death. That's not to say I didn't respect the man. I think he stepped up at a difficult time in history and both literally and figuratively brought us all back from the edge. We're facing perilous times again in this country and I don't sense another Gerald Ford waiting in the wings ...

2998. That's a frightening reality. By the end of the year we are likely to see that number reach 3000.

Actually, I'm writing tonight because I'm off for the next four days ! Sunday, New Year's Day, Tuesday's National Day of Mourning, and my regular day off this cycle, Wednesday. I am fried. Tired, a bit cranky and largely uninspired. I keep thinking I'm going to be rested. That I'm going to find some time to catch up on thank you's and letters and everything else collecting dust in my art space. I've added to the contents of the box sent to me by blueness, and I'm prepared to pass it along ASAP.

Maybe I'll write tomorrow. Maybe I actually WILL get a good night's sleep.

Ahhhh .... yes .... ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ's

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