Monday, November 12, 2007


I'm in love. Not just a little.
It's not a passing fancy.
I'm in love for good.

Kelly, of course ....
But my NEW LOVE ?


This is the sleekest, coolest piece of equipment I've EVER held in my hand. All my contacts are in there. So far I've uploaded over 1200 pictures. It synced my music, loaded an episode of Law & Order, and there are plenty of things I haven't even discovered yet. I can surf the web, watch YouTube ... oh, the list goes on and on.

The best part BY FAR is the quality of the photos.
Unfreakin'believable ~

Ahhhh, such bliss *

Friday, November 09, 2007


Into The Wild

You've GOT to see this movie.


Sometimes art can heal.
Sometimes art can broaden our experience.
Change our perspective.
Sometimes it begs a comment ...

Sunday, September 16, 2007

The Brave One

OK. There's no way I'm going to ruin this for anyone by talking too much about it. Let's just say I think it is brilliant. Let me also say that Jodie Foster is extraordinary and believable and hopefully an Oscar winner for her role. Frankly, I've had a huge crush on her forever ...but in spite of my obvious bias, SEE IT ! And then write me and tell me what you think. People will be talking about this for a LONG time ...

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

September ! Already !

Time sure has a way of getting away from me. One minute it's May and the next minute it's July and I'm losing one of my babies ( Snippy ). Fast forward and it's September. I cleaned up the planters on the porch today. Seemed I hadn't touched them since July, and everything was dying of thirst. Many plants went on to their next lives in the yard waste.

Mowed the whole lawn . THAT was dying of thirst too ! Ran the sprinkler for a few hours to give it a good soaking.

Then I took a bit of a break and flipped through the TV channels. Nothing very exciting on, so I guess I'm happy for the beautiful day and the needy yard ...

BEFORE the yard stuff , I went to REI for new shoes. Rugged, durable, super lightweight and a quality, cozy fit ... BEAUTIFUL !

Can you see the cat in this picture ??? KittyBoi Gus is a lovely, fun and playful addition to our family. ( Although just minutes after this picture was taken, he made a leap from the fan and it went crashing to the floor ...scared the crap outta both of us ! )

Life has been, well ... life. Kelly is working in management now, so her hours are long and we have little time to spend together. It's tough transitioning. It's not just about not having much quality time, it's also about redistribution of our " home stuff " so things continue to get done. It's a work in progress, to be sure. We're doing ok, but it's a little stressful when things slip through the cracks ...We are actively considering our next vacation, so that ALWAYS helps : something to look forward to. We've been invited to join the family again in Hawaii in March. We are pondering that, along with a couple other trips we'd hoped to make. Looks like Italy or a Rosie cruise will just have to wait until next year. Wisconsin is a big probability in July next year too.

Elsewhere in my world, hmmmm ... what's happening ?

I've been walking every work morning for six weeks now. Traffic is always a mess for me, so when one of my work friends suggested she wanted to exercise more, we decided to commit to a morning walk. It's been great ! My routine is to get to work an hour early and walk the five minutes up to the local park. I meet my friend there for a 30 minute walk, then I walk the five minutes back to work. Oh, I'm not setting the world on fire with my exercise routine, but it does feel really great. It helps clear my head before I walk into the crazy place that is the Post Office. My friend is Muslim and observes Ramadan beginning tomorrow, so she may not be walking with me for a month or so. Since my routine is established, it's ok with me to go alone. I actually know many of the early walkers now on a " nodding/hello basis ;) So I'm not really alone at all ...

A clear head is always a good start to those days that feel full before they even begin. I have two good friends with cancer right now. Both on my route; people I've been very fortunate to know in the past several years. One is a very recent diagnosis, and he goes in tomorrow for a first surgery. The other has been battling for a couple years, and after a recent stem cell transplant, may be nearing the end of his options for treatment. Cancer is no longer the bogeyman. It is SO much a regular part of life. Everyone is different in how they deal with it,although I sometimes wonder what's bubbling beneath the surface. I read Leroy Sievers Cancer Blog every morning. He's been battling cancer for over a year, and writing a blog about his experience. His blog has a link on NPR. He's very frank about his treatment, his options, his chances ... he talks very openly about how it feels. It's a wonderfiul insight into something I can only imagine. I hope I never have to compare notes with him. At the same time, I am grateful for his willingness to share this journey. Reading it has already helped me so much to be available for these two friends, and not be afraid to talk about it.

Keep a good thought for those two men of mine. Maybe say a prayer if you're inclined.

I'll end this for now, but promise to do better at keeping it updated. Fall is just around the corner and I'm looking forward to football ( Go Seahawks ! ), chilly mornings and the riot of color that only changing leaves can bring. This late summer has been enjoyable, but I'm ready for fall ... bring it on !

Sunday, August 05, 2007


Although it's been awhile and life is certainly full of twists and turns and general busyness, I have not forgotten or abandoned this place.

A few weeks ago we lost Snippy. A heartbreak, to be sure. She was the sweetest, gentlest cat I've ever known. We knew her time with us would be short. A few months ago she was diagnosed with renal failure and we tried to give her the best quality of life that we could. Kelly ( mostly ) learned to administer fluids through an IV to keep her hydrated at home. I'm happy to think we might have given her several extra weeks she might not have otherwise had.

It's still sad. It's still a heartbreak to have lost her.

She was a good friend, so I've been very protective of my feelings and memories. When Kelly came home a week ago Saturday with a stray, I think I felt determined not to bond with him. ( She found a beautiful, declawed white cat in a busy parking lot by the local auto parts store. No collar, and a bit skinny )

I am not ready ( I told myself ) to have another cat so soon. He is young, athletic and energetic. He jumps on counters, ledges, window sills ... anywhere he can. He's also very playful. I was sick this past week, so I took an extra day off to try to recover. I planned to place an ad on craigslist to offer to adopt him out if we could not locate the family.

We had taken him to our vet micro=chip. We posted an ad on craigslist about having FOUND a white kitty. We've posted signs all over the area ... nothing. No calls. No emails. No word.

That day I stayed home, he spent the entire day endearing himself to me. I think he was trying to change my mind about another family taking him.

And it worked.

I can live with a few bad habits. Hell, even I have bad habits ! Why shouldn't he be allowed a few ? He has been cute as a bug and very much my shadow. He keeps watch while I'm getting ready in the morning. He hangs with me in my studio when I'm in here or my lap if I'm on the couch. He's lovable, sweet and fun.

We've been calling him Gus, but he doesn't seem to respond much to that name. Now I'm calling him KittyBoy, with moderately better results. It looks like he may be sticking around after all ...

Enjoy the pics ... of him AND my precious Snippy*

Monday, July 16, 2007

Weekend Art


The Kitchen


And The Market !

Sunday, July 15, 2007

More weekend

The Weekend

Monday, July 09, 2007

Billy Collins ( With thanks to C&D for sharing )

"The Lanyard"

The other day as I was ricocheting slowly
off the pale blue walls of this room,
bouncing from typewriter to piano,
from bookshelf to an envelope lying on the floor,
I found myself in the L section of the dictionary
where my eyes fell upon the word lanyard.

No cookie nibbled by a French novelist
could send one more suddenly into the past --
a past where I sat at a workbench at a camp
by a deep Adirondack lake
learning how to braid thin plastic strips
into a lanyard, a gift for my mother.

I had never seen anyone use a lanyard
or wear one, if that’s what you did with them,
but that did not keep me from crossing
strand over strand again and again
until I had made a boxy
red and white lanyard for my mother.

She gave me life and milk from her breasts,
and I gave her a lanyard.
She nursed me in many a sickroom,
lifted teaspoons of medicine to my lips,
set cold face-cloths on my forehead,
and then led me out into the airy light

and taught me to walk and swim,
and I, in turn, presented her with a lanyard.
Here are thousands of meals, she said,
and here is clothing and a good education.
And here is your lanyard, I replied,
which I made with a little help from a counselor.

Here is a breathing body and a beating heart,
strong legs, bones and teeth,
and two clear eyes to read the world, she whispered,
and here, I said, is the lanyard I made at camp.
And here, I wish to say to her now,
is a smaller gift--not the archaic truth

that you can never repay your mother,
but the rueful admission that when she took
the two-tone lanyard from my hands,
I was as sure as a boy could be
that this useless, worthless thing I wove
out of boredom would be enough to make us even.

Sunday, July 08, 2007

The BEFORE pictures

We looked today at more color choices for the kitchen. I thought we were doing SUNBEAM yellow, but I think instead it will be GOLDEN SLUMBER. It's pretty bright. I let Kelly pick as it's more her space than mine. There's a complimentary color called FLAX that I may use on one of the walls that wraps around the livingroom and hall. I just can't see bringing that really bright yellow into the livingroom. Who knows. I'll buy paint tomorrow, so I get to sleep on it. As you can see, there is a lot of " stuff " in the kitchen. I can't wait to CLEAN and purge ! I've got some ideas for organizing...

In other developments, we have three companies coming tomorrow to give us bids on installing central air in the house. Crossed fingers it's relatively easy and reasonably affordable. ( yeah, right ...)

And now I must share a picture of Snippy. I think she believes she's hiding ...

Wednesday, July 04, 2007


So, my latest project was the bathroom. I think I'm in my " green phase ". The colors are actually AQUA and BLUE BLOOD, but it seems along the green corridor of the color wheel to me. I love it. It turned out peaceful and serene and I'm glad to have brought more natural stuff ( bamboo woods ) in, and some of the crap ( hair products ) out.

And speaking of hair products ... I hate mine right now. I like the IDEA of having it longer and kinda hanging in my eyes, but the truth is ... it's driving me bat-shit. I'm thinking to myself " when did it happen ? " when did I start getting more old than young ? ".

People ask me all the time about retirement. I think they must think I'm either rich or old. And I seriously doubt they are mistaking me for the rich chick. So when did it happen ? When did I start going to bed while it was still light out ? ( Not that I can actually sleep, mind you ... but I'm IN BED before 9 most nights ). When did I start to lose muscle tone and get those annoying little wrinkles in the corners of my eyes. When did my music and clothes from high school become vintage collectibles ? ( and why didn't I have the presence of mind to keep all that crap ? )

It's such a subtle shift.

One day you wake up and realize you've been 18 years at the same job.
That you didn't touch a drop of alcohol your entire 30's.
That it's impossible to guess people's ages anymore because INSIDE you're still 25 and nothing outside of your self seems connected to any kind of reality anymore.

Maybe it's not so subtle.
It's like falling off a cliff in slow motion ...

I don't feel old exactly. I mean, my body is certainly slower and tighter in the AM. But I "think" better...clearer, now. I wish I had this sensibility when I WAS 25. I write to people younger than myself but it feels like we're contemporaries in all the ways that count. And I think really, ultimately it's our age INSIDE that matters most.

Again, I'm reminded that I can't keep using the same old crappy yardstick. I can't compare myself to anyone else. That's a fools game. Because there will always be someone more or less fortunate than you in any number of ways. The key is be genuine. Be authentic. Not care what people think. Measure how you feel by, well ... how you FEEL. Not by how you feel based on any circumstance or any real or perceived threat of inferiority.

I'm older than I was yesterday.
But I'm feeling fewer aches today.
So, my hair is a bit screwy. At least I still have it.
So what if I'm slower ... I'm taking more IN.
And I'm missing out on a lot less.

I'll keep brightening up my world.
The kitchen is next !
Sunbeam yellow !

One more get-up for me ...
And then it's on to vacation ...


Sunday, June 03, 2007

Ahhh...the party *