Monday, February 16, 2009

Thursday, February 05, 2009

A Blank Palate

I may be a bit late coming to these delightful little dolls but I have FINALLY discovered them ! A good friend recently pronounced them " creepy " but I see nothing but possibility here. A blank canvas in all of it's plastic-vinyl glory. I was thinking what a great creature a collaborative effort might produce. I may have to get something started on postcardx or somewhere. I have a couple ideas of my own, but I'd love to get into people's heads on this. The flickr galleries are FULL of amazing creations ...

Aside from a potential artistic pursuit, life is relatively quiet. You never really appreciate fully these times until some crazy chaos takes over your life and you long for the boring days. I wish I could " bank " these days and save them for later, when inevitably, something WILL become crazy and chaotic in my world.

We'll be taking a couple jaunts this spring that will liven things up. California this month, Las Vegas in April and Tampa in May. While I absolutely hate the idea of so much flying, I'm looking forward to doing some reading. I try to read at night but by the time I curl up in bed, I'm usually either too tired or wired to concentrate. I got a KINDLE from K for my birthday last year, so I have several books on there just waiting for my attention. It will be nice to travel without the bulk of a stack of books but I will always miss the feel of the pages.

The other day I lost another customer on my mail route. They'd been in business in that location for over 20 years. They closed the doors for the last time last week. It's haunting to see. Lots of emptiness. Another business in the same area is slated to close in another week. That makes about a dozen on my route this past year. There are others I worry for as the economy slips further and further. The restaurants are slowing down, retailers are nervous and it's a waiting game as we all wait and see what the coming weeks and months will bring.

Even the P.O is in the news. Five days of delivery is a very sound idea. The savings that could be realized are great. Gas, labor, building and employee costs. Seems like a no-brainer. Which is exactly why the P.O will find a way to " F " it up. If they eliminated DELIVERY on Saturday it would open the door to a new opportunity to capture the need. The employee situation is complicated, but CAN be managed. The USPS could create a premium service on Saturday, much like UPS has, to capture the need of the few that require it. It's a win-win. Which is exactly why the P.O will find a way to " F " it up. Hide and watch.

I also heard a lengthy piece on NPR about what Derek was talking about weeks ago ... commercial real estate. Seems those developers who bought hi-rises with hopes of high rent clients are feeling a big pinch. Citigroup, WaMu, and hundreds of others are abandoning their high rent offices. Awww, those poor developers. They are losing millions and it ain't looking good for a quick recovery.

So I wonder where we go from here. I suppose the safest thing to do is to just wait it out and try to be smart. Purchase smarter, consume smarter. We never really went crazy with consumerism unless journals and pens and glue stix count ... ;) But we can all move toward smarter living. I don't think we stop buying. I just think it's time to be conscious of where our money is going. KNOW who makes that clothing you're buying. KNOW where your food is really coming from. Reward the companies that treat employees well and think long and hard before you support the Walmart's who grew their business on the backs of hard working people who got screwed out of health insurance and other benefits. I vow to THINK.

Ok. Just checking in. It's a whole new world with Obama at the helm. I hope he can make a difference.

Anyone here up for a Munny doll project ?

Happy February ;)

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Just another day in paradise ...

I'm not planning to really write about KittyBoiGus, although he's adorable, is he not ? Nor do I intend to give any updates on my resolutions, though I'm doing just fine, thank you. No, I'll answer a question posed recently : What does retirement mean to you ?

Big question.

Derek talked about owning his own home in three years. Wow ! I don't think I've seriously considered staying anywhere long enough to actually free and clear " own it " . Nice idea, but I keep thinking that the last thing I'd want would to have owned my house over the course of the last several years. As it is, I've seen some equity disolve, but if I'd OWNED it outright, it would be far more difficult to stomach the losses. We bought at a good time and so our house is still worth considerably more than when we bought it. I look at the equity as affording me some options down the road. I don't feel a lot of other attachment. Don't get me wrong, I love the place. I like that it safely contains all that I love. But it doesn't mean I want to be here forever and ever amen.

When I talk about retirement, I mean pension. I'm in my 20th year at the P.O and if I stick it out until the earliest retirement age, I can get a pension. I'd have my retirement savings and home equity as a buffer and start a whole new career. Only next time, it'll be one I love. And maybe it will be somewhere other than where I am now ... I can't imagine not working. I mean, not " doing " something. As much as I love vacation, I can easily get bored. What is that crazy saying about " idle hands and the devil's workshop " ? Anyway. I just want some flexibility and freedom. I do not want to be idle.

With ENOUGH money ( for which I'd have to beg, borrow or steal ) I'd say ideally I'd love to live at the beach. Somewhere WARM all the time, like Hawaii. But I'd also love a little place near Pike Place Market. Freedom and flexibility and doing what you love. Can't beat that with a stick.

Ahhhhhh, the weekend is finally here ....

Friday, January 02, 2009

Happy New Year

Chappy Glue Beer ! Indeed ...

Ever have one of those years ? I mean the kind where you start becoming aware of your little quirks. You start not only ESTABLISHING, but understanding, your own boundaries. You start recognizing more immediately the error of your ways. You become distinctly aware that you are now an adult.( Well, and that you HAVE been for quite some time, but it's taken until this year to really sink in ...)

Oh, there's other things too. I sleep lighter, love deeper and become irritated far more quickly than ever before. This year has been a wild ride for me emotionally. I never imagined reaching a point where I'd actually be talking about retirement in a realistic way, or pondering things like health directives and life insurance. But this is that year.

I'm not saying it's bad. No, I'm not saying that at all. I'm just surprised by my own continued growth. Despite the very nice comment left by George last week, I feel like I'm not always leading with kindness. I also don't always feel like "following my heart" has left me on a path I'm intended to be on. Or maybe I'm just suffering a lack of contentment that has left me feeling incredibly uneasy ...

Hmmm ... pretty much the perfect life and yet something is missing.

Maybe it's the absence of my muse ... I haven't done much creatively all year. I try to create something out of my work day, but it's not the best artistic outlet. I can connect with people but I'm not really connecting to my creative part. Traffic makes me grumpy, people who take me for granted make me frustrated and all the while I'm just feeling discontent.

There just HAS to be more ...

I look around my house and see lots of stuff. STUFF. I think it comes to me as a temporary substitute for that contentment. It isn't, hasn't , worked. My resolutions will help me sort through the false comforts but the real goal this year is to look INSIDE for what I have been seeking outside.

Chappy Glue Beer.
