Saturday, January 17, 2009

Just another day in paradise ...

I'm not planning to really write about KittyBoiGus, although he's adorable, is he not ? Nor do I intend to give any updates on my resolutions, though I'm doing just fine, thank you. No, I'll answer a question posed recently : What does retirement mean to you ?

Big question.

Derek talked about owning his own home in three years. Wow ! I don't think I've seriously considered staying anywhere long enough to actually free and clear " own it " . Nice idea, but I keep thinking that the last thing I'd want would to have owned my house over the course of the last several years. As it is, I've seen some equity disolve, but if I'd OWNED it outright, it would be far more difficult to stomach the losses. We bought at a good time and so our house is still worth considerably more than when we bought it. I look at the equity as affording me some options down the road. I don't feel a lot of other attachment. Don't get me wrong, I love the place. I like that it safely contains all that I love. But it doesn't mean I want to be here forever and ever amen.

When I talk about retirement, I mean pension. I'm in my 20th year at the P.O and if I stick it out until the earliest retirement age, I can get a pension. I'd have my retirement savings and home equity as a buffer and start a whole new career. Only next time, it'll be one I love. And maybe it will be somewhere other than where I am now ... I can't imagine not working. I mean, not " doing " something. As much as I love vacation, I can easily get bored. What is that crazy saying about " idle hands and the devil's workshop " ? Anyway. I just want some flexibility and freedom. I do not want to be idle.

With ENOUGH money ( for which I'd have to beg, borrow or steal ) I'd say ideally I'd love to live at the beach. Somewhere WARM all the time, like Hawaii. But I'd also love a little place near Pike Place Market. Freedom and flexibility and doing what you love. Can't beat that with a stick.

Ahhhhhh, the weekend is finally here ....

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