Thursday, July 28, 2005


A real tree swing !! Too much fun !!


We have returned to the Emerald City ( well, Auburn ) .

What a whirlwind trip it was to Wisconsin. I was worried about flying into Chicago and then driving, but as it turned out it was rather nice. Just two hours from airport to hotel. We thought we'd go " on the cheap " and just book a room for six nights at Motel 6. What a mistake that was ! After we checked in I wouldn't even let Kelly unpack ! I knew I couldn't stay. Two guys leering at us over the railing, drinking their cans of beer as we drug our things to the room. Bottom floor, drapes that wouldn't hardly close all the way, a " prickly water " shower, a corroded ice maker in the vending area ( that didn't work anyway ) , no extra towels, no extra pillows ... I know I probably sound like a spoiled brat. It felt unsafe and it had no sense of comfort whatsoever. This is our summer vacation for pete's sake !

So, we moved. To the Hampton Inn. Beautiful place. Indoor huge pool, great free breakfast, a USA TODAY sitting at our door every morning, free wireless access, a massager shower head, all the towels and pillows we could want ! Mostly, a third floor room and five good nights of sleep !

Wisconsin was beautiful ! Kelly's family has built a HUGE log home in a rural part of the state. It is just gorgeous. Everything from the beautiful wood floors, towering ceiling, solid log beams, SIX acres of untouched land and a great tree swing ! ( TWO, actually ! ) Her three nieces are just precious , and her new baby nephew is adorable. We spent a lot of time getting to know each other and had some wonderful days out in the world. Hit the Waukesha County Fair, an organic farm, Cool Waters water park, and of course a day of swimming in our indoor pool when it was a sweltering 98* outside.

Sometimes I think I could easily live in the country. No traffic, friendly folks and a real sense of being away from the hustle and bustle. But in reality, I'd miss my world. I'd miss the movement. As much as I hate all the commuting, I'd miss the sense of community I have being a part of a city. There's something appealing about the " other side " but I think I'm an urbanite in my bones, and I will continue to appreciate the opportunities I have to " get away from it all " .

I'm still off for a few more days. I caught a nasty cold on our last day there and had a rather miserable day of travel yesterday, but I am ready to get back into the real world today. There is lawn to be mowed, mail to be picked up, and unpacking and settling back in to do.

There's no place like Home *

Sunday, July 24, 2005


Just a little glimpse of our trip to Wisconsin. In fact, it is a really beautiful part of the country. Lots of wide open space, not so many cars, and very friendly folks. We went to The Waukesha County Fair yesterday with Kelly's two oldest nieces ( 5 and 8 ) We all had a blast !! An organic farm was the destination the day before. More later.

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Monday, July 11, 2005



it occurred to me today that the world is ready for some phenomenal good .

We are survivors by nature. We've survived wars and disasters and pure evil. I think it's time to tip the scales a bit in favor of phenomenal good . Imagine ... A day where no one died at the hand of another. A day where those who were hungry had enough to eat. A day where those who were sick were made well again. A day where we could really SEE one another as the fragile, unique beings that we are. Impossible ? Probably. But wouldn't it be nice ... to " survive " some phenomenal good ?

It also occurred to me today what a loud, thunderous place this world would be if our thoughts had a volume. I know how busy my braen can be and how rambunctious my wandering mind can get. I know I have an ongoing dialogue all day. Can you imagine if we could actually HEAR, not only our own thoughts, but EVERYONE'S thoughts ...

Probably sound a bit like 7th grade band where you played musical chairs with instruments. A lot of noise, but not a lot of substance. I imagine the world would be like that. A lot of noise, not a lot of substance. In fact, it would be a lot like it is now, only

( Just the whole idea of our thoughts being " out loud "
... boy, that could get embarrassing, huh ? )

I'm exhausted. It has been a long Monday ... and you don't even want to know what I'm REALLY thinking about it all ...

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Unimaginable, really

From behind
Originally uploaded by Nicholas Shanks.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Cinque Terre ITALY

Cinque Terra, ITALY
Originally uploaded by BRAEN.

Just one place ...

...of the " oh-so-many " I want to visit. I don't always think " beach " when I think of ITALY, but I do think of rugged, natural magnificence ! Imagine just taking it all in from the ledge here in the foreground ...



It's quiet here this morning.

No pounding, thundering rain. No left-over fireworks exploding. No whistles off in the distance from the train. Not even a meow out of Snippy. Nice, these days. Aside from my new determination to quit my " day job " I have also decided to start planning for our trip to Italy. Kelly says 2007, but I say late next summer. Two weeks ... Venice, Milan, Rome, Tuscany ... the names just fall so easily off the lips. I have a lot of homework to do before we take a trip of that magnitude. Where to stay, what to see ... how to save enough money to fully enjoy the trip. Hawaii, last November was our " test-run " . Now, we KNOW we can make it a reality if we plan well.

As for the " OTHER " plan ...

We are still trying to find an afternoon where we can both go and talk to the printer that was recommended to us. I need about six good designs, a little cash and a lot of good energy. The initial investment will probably be the hardest part. Then it's just a matter of selling to stores and hopefully a certain catalog I have in mind. I have pretty high expectations for myself with regard to reproducing my cards. They really have to be good, or I'll never really be able to release them into the world with the kind of confidence I'll need. Nothing less than perfect will do .

In my mind, I am modeling my business after a few people I greatly admire. There is absolutely no reason why I can't get THERE from HERE. Send as much good energy as you can spare ...I will take it all lovingly in, and go along my way ...