Wednesday, July 06, 2005


It's quiet here this morning.

No pounding, thundering rain. No left-over fireworks exploding. No whistles off in the distance from the train. Not even a meow out of Snippy. Nice, these days. Aside from my new determination to quit my " day job " I have also decided to start planning for our trip to Italy. Kelly says 2007, but I say late next summer. Two weeks ... Venice, Milan, Rome, Tuscany ... the names just fall so easily off the lips. I have a lot of homework to do before we take a trip of that magnitude. Where to stay, what to see ... how to save enough money to fully enjoy the trip. Hawaii, last November was our " test-run " . Now, we KNOW we can make it a reality if we plan well.

As for the " OTHER " plan ...

We are still trying to find an afternoon where we can both go and talk to the printer that was recommended to us. I need about six good designs, a little cash and a lot of good energy. The initial investment will probably be the hardest part. Then it's just a matter of selling to stores and hopefully a certain catalog I have in mind. I have pretty high expectations for myself with regard to reproducing my cards. They really have to be good, or I'll never really be able to release them into the world with the kind of confidence I'll need. Nothing less than perfect will do .

In my mind, I am modeling my business after a few people I greatly admire. There is absolutely no reason why I can't get THERE from HERE. Send as much good energy as you can spare ...I will take it all lovingly in, and go along my way ...


Mary Noreen Bucklew said...

Visualize yourself in your new "corporate' surroundings... the look and feel of the place where you create, the product branding, the energy and synergy of the folks you will interact with as you make this venture fly!

Develop a business plan that is simple but comprehensive and will enable you to start, even if modestly. Sock away enough right now, and pare down what you need, so you aren't frantic for the first few months. Maybe even find a way to do a PT gig that is close to the feel of where you want to be FT.

If you are serious, and I have to believe you are, you can make this dream a reality.
It takes nerve - you got that!
It takes talent - you got that in spades!
It takes heart - you got that!
It takes help - you got that too!And it takes laser focus.

Remember: the harder you work, the luckier you'll be!

I'll do my part, and ask GOD to send you his best inspiration and resolve!
-- HeartSleeve

Spike said...

Wow, two weeks to do ALL of Italy. That's a heck of a trip.

I've been there twice; it's magical. Grab a Berlitz book if you don't speak the language (but you knew that already, right?)

Lonely Planet guides are excellent for travel a la shoestring--they'll point you to safe clean cheap places to lay your head that ARE NOT just like 'Murrican Motel Sixes. You'll get the feel of the country without laying out magabucks or fighting off fauna.

Lonely Planet also has info on "what to do to see the important parts" of a given city quickly--say you have an afternoon to see Venice AND THAT'S IT. LP will suggest going for a walk by X canal, eat at Y restaurant, see Z sight(s). You can then do as the guide suggests--or say "I couldn't care less about the Z, I'll just buy a postcard. I wanna do . . ."

Spike (who loves Firenze . . .)