Conspiracy theory day on Braen's blog.
I spent almost an entire lunch yesterday sharing my theory about this Administration. ( My mother was the unlucky lunch partner ) What we talked about was basically this : If it looks like the Republicans will not win the election in 2008, there simply won't BE an election in 2008. How do I figure ? Well, I'm glad you asked ...
This Administration, and I almost hate to call it the Republican Party anymore , has created four cornerstones that will virtually insure that they will remain in power. And POWER is what it's ALL about.
First, the media. They have censored the voices we used to rely on for information. How many images of what is REALLY happening in IRAQ have you seen ? I've seen virtually none, unless I venture out into the world of blogs to find them. Mainstream media has been silenced. You've seen it at CBS and you've seen it at NEWSWEEK ( two very well known examples ) , but it's happened everywhere. Unfortunately, what you see these days is only what they want you to see.
Second, the " terror alert " system. It's a not-so-subtle way of " reminding " us how afraid we are. Or how afraid they need us to be. Not because there is an imminent threat, but because we are much more pliable as a people when we are in our fear. They are using fear to manipulate us into believing that they are somehow keeping us safe. I don't feel safer. I can't help but remember how it was eight years between attacks on the WTC. This Administration is " rolling the dice " with our security. If someone wishes to harm us, they will. My only real fear is that " the terrorists " are probably feeling a little more empowered these days. But bottom line is this : even evil takes time. We aren't " safer " because W says we are ... we have that illusion, because evil takes time and so far we have been lucky.
Third, the " Patriot Act " . What a disaster that is. They are trying to eliminate the critics and lock up the dissenters. In reality, we don't KNOW what those " enemy combatants " know. Maybe they aren't locked up because they are a threat in the way we've been led to believe. Maybe what they threaten, is the " plan " . Bottom line, all of us are eligible to be silenced. They can talk about freedom and liberty all they want, but we know that at any time we can be spied on and subjected to great invasion of privacy. Four years ago there really WAS free speech. There really WAS freedom of the press.
Fourth, the courts. There's a reason they are fighting so hard for these nominees. And it ain't about abortion or gay marriage. It's about handing them another election, or siding with them if they should choose to eliminate elections altogether. Do we really believe it's not possible ? Stacking the courts will perpetuate the " illusion " that what is happening is not only necessary, but somehow " legal " . It will further manipulate the masses. They only support a side in these hot-button debates as distraction. Trust me, abortion and gay marriage are not going to be what drives us into the ground. What will ultimately be our undoing, will be our own ignorance. Our own apathy.
So, picture the scenario like this : McCain VS Clinton in 2008. It's looking like Clinton will win by a landslide. And it's only September. The Administration panics because there is no way they can afford to lose their grip on power. Suddenly a new " story " surfaces about Clinton and it is outrageous, but is allowed to run on " network TV " . At the same time, there are " serious threats " and the terror alert goes to ORANGE. There are reports of " terror cells " in CA, WA, NY and now Florida. People are being taken from their homes, their jobs, their places of worship and locked up. The Senate and House ( both Republican controlled ) attempt to pass legislation that would create contingency plans for the election if the country is attacked or the threat becomes greater. The ( stacked ) courts have indicated through a series of lesser challenges to election protections, that they support the legislation . There is a stunning silence from those who usually dissent, because no one has seen them for weeks, and no one is allowed to report " suspicions ", only FACTS. And the Administration determines what FACTS we need to know. And the location of those individuals are not the FACTS we need to know.
So, early in November, the terror threat is " severe " The color rises from Orange to RED. The election is cancelled, Hillary disappears, the states are on a virtual " lockdown " and the reports coming over the networks is strictly propaganda. Think it can't happen ? Think it could never happen here ? Think again. Or at the very least .... just THINK. Think for yourself. Think about what's happening versus what's being " said " is happening. What's REAL in your world. Feel safer ? Feel free ? Feel like you can trust your government ? THINK.
Okay, so that's the conspiracy theory of the day.
It's not really so fictional ...
Saturday, June 11, 2005
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