Monday, May 30, 2005



It is already Monday on this long weekend. Mostly it has been a very fitting welcome to summer. Friday and Saturday saw some very warm weather and lots of sun. Yesterday and today are a bit more subdued, but it seems appropriate somehow . We saw a wonderful German movie at SIFF yesterday. It was called Sergeant Pepper. It was about a six year old boy who wore a tiger costume ( very Tiggerish )... and a talking dog. It was brilliant, and the characters were all likeable and seemed to be born for the roles they played. I'd highly recommend it if you should get a chance to see it. It is billed as a family show, but it is sub-titled, and if your child reads well enough they will see many DAMN and Goddamn's on the screen. All in all, the best film I've seen this year.

W also hit the bookstore after a great breakfast. Breakfast was at The Sunlight Cafe, probably the first vegetarian restaurant in Seattle. Good service, great food ! The bookstore yielded a great find ! I found a copy of John Cage and Lois Long's book MUD PIES. Months ago, I paid forty five dollars for a lesser quality copy on ebay. The one I found yesterday was in great condition and was exactly $2.98. GREAT deal ! Kelly found some computer books which I am sure are a great value, but interest me not in the least. We both had a good bookstore experience.

Today is The Pike Place Market Street Fair. It's such a charming place and I love going down there. It is colorful, both with people and produce. It seems there is always some new experience to be had. The last time we went, we visited the " gum wall " . If you haven't seen it, you're missing a cool part of the Market experience. Once I figure out how to drop a picture or two in here, I'll try to put some in. Until then, trust that the experience was as good as always. We met up with a friend of mine who is dating a new woman. I can't hardly imagine being back out in the " dating pool " again. It all seems so hard somehow. These two, my friend and her date, seem to be a good fit so far. But it's early. There's been only that " good behavior " kind of being together. I always used to dread the first crisis or challenge. Everything you believed to be true about someone could crumble before your eyes. THAT is the kind of stuff I don't miss. I watched people hit animals, drink to stupidity, and worse things. Thank God those moments came before any real commitment was made. I lucked out with Kelly. We had a helluva first year, but it just served to make us stronger. It also helped me see through a few " friends " and for that, I am extremely grateful. I don't see myself as a weak or naive person, but sometimes the truth of a thing has to hit me like a brick before I really " get it " . Anyways . I look forward to watching things progress, or do what they will, with my friend. I will be glad it's not me, but I will hope for her nothing but good things.

I feel sick tonight. My chest is heavy, my head is stuffy and I'm actually considering an early bedtime. Not sure where this came from ... although it could just be that POSTAL allergy I have ... I'll write about THAT, next time ...

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